Welcome to Sarah & Christian's Wedding Site!

We're looking forward to seeing all of you in Switzerland to celebrate our wedding.


Updated 07. May 2006: new items on our registry (English version / German version)

Updated 01. May 2006: more things to do and see


When? Where? What?

Friday, the 1st of September.
The wedding ceremony will be held at the Protestant Church in Wangen an der Aare, Switzerland (map, info) at 14:00.
The reception will be at Schloss Neu Bechburg in Oensingen, Switzerland (map, info), directly after the wedding ceremony.



Our Wedding Registry:

Our registry is at Schafferer in Freiburg, Germany. Your gifts will be sent directly to our home, or you can pick them up at the store at your convenience.
This link is in German. For a translation of the items on the registry, please click here (but do make sure to go to the official site to check the availability of your items of choice). For instructions on ordering and a translation of the online order form, please click here.






A list of Things to See and Do in Switzerland:


(*) If you are going to visit any of these attractions and you are tired of staying at hotels, Christian's brother Mike and his girlfriend Pascaline offer their hospitality for up to 4 people. They will also show you many other sights in the Valais region, if they know ahead of time that you are coming.